This time next week will be Christmas Eve. How lucky we are to have Christmas to get us through the darkest shortest days of the year.
Christmas is such a special feeling where magic is certainly in the air in what would otherwise be dark and dreary days. Wondering about it all … is the thinking of others ?.. what gifts will you give to the special people in your life, the increased awareness of those without;
… the decorating of our homes ? .. the decorating of the streets in cities towns, and shops bringing light and joy;
… the traditions we grew up with ? keeping them and passing them on
… the music ? from carols to festive favourites
… the wonder and expectation in the eyes of children
All the above combined , I suppose. The only thing for sure I believe is that it all brings a sense of peace that can only be found in December . The stillness , the cold, the dark make Christmas and Christmas makes December.
Wishing you all a very peaceful and very magical Christmas from all here in Cobblestone Alley